Surviving the Winter Blues

Surviving the Winter Blues

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Have you and your pet got the winter blues? Yes, the cooler weather has well and truly arrived here in Australia, and many of us are finding it harder and harder to get out of bed in those chilly mornings (some of us here at the PETS office certainly are!).

Did you know that our pets can suffer from SAD (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder) as the winter weather hits, too? Here are some tips if you think your pet may have a case of the winter blues.


1. Walk your dog between 11am and 3pm, when the sun is at its warmest and highest. This ensures that both you and your dog will start the walk a little warmer than normal.

2. Avoid walking your dog over wet grass or mud. Many pooches, just like humans, don’t enjoy the feeling of cold, wet grass underfoot, and can be miserable if forced to endure it.

3. If you can’t get out during the middle of the day, why not throw a ball around with your pet when you have a few seconds of free time? The Major Dog Speed Sling is the perfect toy to be slingshot into the air for long-distance throwing. A fantastic way to exercise those canines with boundless energy, the further it is thrown the more they can get their legs moving, chasing after that ball!

4. Try dressing your shorthaired dog in a winter coat when you go outside, to help them ward off the winter chill.

5. If you feed your dog a wet or raw food option, why not try blasting it in the microwave for a few seconds? Not only will it warm your dog from the inside out, it will also smell divine. Well, if you’re a dog, that is.

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