Emily the Kelpie

Emily the Kelpie

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Nina’s dog, Emily, is a beautiful bundle of energy with a talent for trials, too!

Emily is my beautiful little bundle of energy. She is a purebred Kelpie and full of high spirits. Emily is almost three years old and LOVES any attention from everyone.

Emily was a gift from my grandfather as a dog breeder nearby owed him a pup, and they both agreed they wanted me to have the pup as I wanted to start doing a dog sport called dog trials. I got the choice of a pup out of three litters. They were all very cute but Emily came straight to me and we just clicked immediately.

I had been waiting for her when one night, coming home from netball, I mistook her for one of the other dogs who usually sits there (by the way, we have 10 dogs not including Emily). When I went closer to check that the dog was okay I realised it wasn’t who I thought it was and I was sooo excited as I had been waiting for what I thought was forever. Since then, I have been training her for dog trialling.

Emily did her first trials recently and we got fourth place in the women’s section! Even though Emily can get in a fair bit of trouble (that would be from jumping over the gate in the house yard and running away to move sheep and cattle around their paddocks) I still love her!

By the way, my sister and I are BIG fans of your magazine.




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