I don’t know about you guys, but on June 1 it didn’t really feel like winter had hit. Sure, it was colder than it had been a few months ago and, sure, I had the electric blanket of my bed (and the heater near the dog’s crate!). But the days were still a warm and balmy 20+ degrees here in Sydney; if you got out in the sunshine, it was like we were still enjoying a crisp Autumn (or, as my fiance likes to call it ‘Perfect jeans and a t-shirt weather!’).
Now, however, it’s raining.
And it is COLD!
So I’ve had to bust out the big guns; when we go for our run at 5am, I’m dressing the puppies in these cute little wrappers from DGG.

Look how cute they are! I was really impressed with these, and I think Danger (above) was particularly a fan. As well as when we go for our cold early morning run, I’ve started leaving them on overnight.Normally, Danger is hesitant to go out in the rain, weather it’s a downpour or just a drizzle (not a fan of the water, our Danger. Or plastic bags. Or traffic cones [don’t ask]). Last night, when it was lightly sprinkling, she went out to do her business no problems at all! I didn’t have the heart to tell her the wrapper isn’t waterproof.
For more information on Doggone Gorgeous wrappers, click here.

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